
Coaching, Facilitation and Design Services to address Leadership Challenges


We coach individuals, pairs, groups and teams.


We co/facilitate events, meetings and programs.



We design tools, programs and experiences.

Individual Coaching

Individual Coaching

“Coaching is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires clients to maximize their personal and professional potential.” ICF

Team Coaching

Team Coaching

Team coachings support lasting change objectives. They typically start with a kick-off followed by a series of workshop over 12 to 24 months.

Development Tools

Development Tools

We are certified and boost our development interventions with the most appropriate tools – 360°, MBTI, Hogan, FIRO-B, Insights…

Custom Programs

Custom Programs

We design, launch and implement all aspects of custom programs related to Leadership, High Potentials Development and Mentoring.

Pair Coaching

Pair Coaching

Pair coaching works with strategic relationships (e.g. CEO/CFO, CFO/Head of HR…) to reach a new level of collaboration and performance.

Group Coaching

Group Coaching

6 to 9 Managers or Executives experience the power of collective intelligence and develop strong coaching skills.

Targeted Co/Facilitation

Targeted Co/Facilitation

We facilitate interventions for and/or with you – learning event, development reviews, stakeholder meetings and presentations…



We help you build internal capabilities to roll-out the Leadership Solutions you need.

See Our Recent Projects

What leadership challenges keep you awake at night?

Click and explore relevant interventions.